Increasingly connected, variable capacities, rapid integration of new systems, secure, performing and protected against downtime. These are just some of the requirements that networks must deliver on. We are happy to advise, plan and implement your IT network.

Company Networks
Rely on a network that is reliable, covers the entire office, is powerful and can be adapted flexibly to the size of your company. Whether LAN (cable), Wi-Fi (wireless) or VPN (external access to company network) - the desired network components are managed and maintained via the cloud, optimized for Apple devices. AI-supported reporting is conveniently accessed via the web browser. For the implementation of your network, we rely on our experienced partners such as Cisco Meraki or Ubiquiti.

An Internet connection, a phone system, integration of different company locations, call forwarding to the home office - that's VoIP (digital telephony). The fusion of calling and the internet. Installations, extending VoIP services, management of subscriptions no matter your provider as well as the procurement of network phones and headsets - we are happy to support you.

Access Systems
Access control for employees, suppliers, customers or guests offers flexibility and security at the same time. Authorizations can be controlled in terms of time and space, regardless of whether it's an underground parking garage, meeting rooms, production facilities or hotel rooms. With the corresponding software and cloud service, you can manage and check your company's access points.
Whether your employees connect to the corporate network from home or work remotely, the risk of unauthorized access to corporate data is real. With our security solutions, your company is protected. We are happy to advise you.